Marvinudy's World

My interests, likes and obsessions

Pyretic victory and it’s cost

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 19•23

No denying this game against Tampa’s bucs was J. Goff’s best performance as a Lion’s QB. He compensated for the loss of the Lion’s run game in superlative fashion. Passes were spread across receivers and throws were eloquently threaded between defenders. Receivers adjusted to variations in pass trajectory and maintained control for completions. Textbook execution.

Do not succumb to the fever. Repetitive expectations in upcoming games is just unrealistic. Revive your memories of opponent’s defensive schematics against the great B. Sanders. Stop Barry and you beat the Lions. Aside from the RB position, performance degrading injuries are spread through out the team. Ugly is still in the Lion’s repertoire within the remaining schedule.

Healing time and potential ‘hidden jewels’ amongst the practice squad can bolster a seasons optimistic outcome.

Taking care of business

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 11•23

Classic way of ‘getting it done’. Stat’s differential are similar until you get to the ‘rushing’ and ‘turnover’ column. Built upon the back of Montgomery’s running, Goff distributed the passing game all around. He refrained from desperation tosses and took some classic hits from Panther’s defence. Good sign of toughness and game ‘smarts’. Lion’s offensive line created good pocket protection and created picture perfect running opportunities for D. Montgomery.

Overall Lion’s defence effort kept Panther’s offensive efforts from getting into ‘high gear’. Maybe ‘off balance’ is a more germane moniker.

Overall it looked like the entire Lion’s team was enjoying the fruits of effort throughout the game. Now comes the consistency part of the schedule. No time rest on your laurels. Been there and would rather not endure another replay.

Yea verily, cast out the demons one by one

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 30•23

The Lion’s game at Green Bay started with a cruel, sadistic ‘poke in the eye’ miscue. Then the Lion’s defensive tide rolled in to drown Green Bay’s perpetual 12th man stadium crowd. Oh how bitter the bile of watching your Packers manage 20 yards of offence and 2 first downs in the game’s first half. It took an entire third period to remind the Lion’s the cost of resting on your laurels. By game’s end, Lion’s defensive rushers spent as much time in Green Bay’s backfield as the ball in play. .

D. Montgomery had a splendid performance with individual effort and maximising use of running lanes created by the offensive line. Goff had good protection and absorbed some hits from lingering decision making. No doubt, the rushing game coupled with Lion’s first down performance were keys to success.

Now, repetition is key to validating our 66 year of rebuilding is finally more than a fantasy. You shall be judged by the iron clad W/L statistic.

Roller Coaster time ??

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 27•23

This was a genuine ‘fun’ game to watch even though trepidation lurked in the background of seasoned Lion’s fans. What prompted the frenetic, swarming defence to show up for the Lion’s game against Atlanta? Let’s hope it was the resolution and resurrection of execution from days of yore. Repeat performances against seasoned, strong offensive schemes can alleviate the past raptures of seasons long gone.

In spite of injuries, most notably, D. Montgomery, the offence was in sync. Repeat rushing results with Montgomery in the lineup will add significant dimension to the offensive scheme.

Goff had ‘pocket’ time for pass selection thanks to offensive line rearrangement. On the other side of the ‘ball’, A. Hutchinson, B. Branch and supporting cast controlled the game’s tenor. Also of note, the lost art of ‘sure’ tackling was evident as a priority.

Weakness exploited

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 18•23

Looking at game stats, the game was a ‘toss-up’ until you factor in turnovers. Both teams posted large passing yardage with modest running games. Detroit Lion’s glaring weakness in the defensive secondary against Seattle’s passing game was on full display. This is not to say the Seahawks did not prove much of a barrier to Goeff’s passing game. Hats off to the Lion’s offensive line for giving Goeff great protection and time to optimise receiver selection. Hurriedly, threading the needle proved costly.

Seattle ‘gifted’ the Lions in penalties but were reciprocated with Lion’s turnovers. It’s going to be a long excruciating season if Detroit’s pass defence is not ‘fixed’. Hopefully, Montgomery’s injury is not critical.

Rebuilding marches on into year 66.

Guess who came to play?

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 09•23

Well, well, well, hell can freeze over and the Detroit Lions can play football. Who could have guessed. For beleaguered Lion’s fans this performance shaped up to be an all to familiar scenario. Then the haunting legacy ‘Demons’ were seemingly, at least temporarily, put out to pasture and our Lions defeated last year’s Super Bowel champions, the Kansas City Chief’s Andy Reid’s juggernaut on prime time television. Kinda like an alternate universe.

First off, you play with the hand you are dealt. The win-lost column, despite talking heads imaginations, are not complete with asterisks or footnotes of what coulda, shoulda, woulda, maybe happen. Get over it! The Lions played a complete game with an air of “trying to win” and “not trying to lose” as we’ve seen off and on over the last 65 years.

No denying the absence of key KC players effected both teams play strategy. However, KC should acknowledge their lack of depth is a genuine long term weakness. Relying on Hahomes as rushing leader is clarion warning sign. Notable thanks should be extended to the ‘brick hands’ of KC receiving corps.

Overall, the Lions previewed realistic expectations for the season ahead. One may have seen a glimmer that old style “smash mouth” football is back in vogue in Detroit. Mongo would be proud. Watch ‘Blazing Saddles’ again if this one slipped by you.


Written By: marvinudy - Jan• 10•23

After a quick look at the stats you might think Green Bay won the game but ‘turnovers’ were what sealed the deal for Detroit. Early on Goff was slightly erratic and the Lions did not molest Rodgers. As Detroit’s running game gained traction, momentum seemed to shift. Hutchington’s efforts reduced Rodgers the luxury of time combined with atypical errant throws and dropped receptions were apparent. Detroit’s Anzalone play helped stymie Packer’s run game. Detroit’s offensive line made Goff’s passing and William’s effort running the ball successful.

The game’s ending sequence of plays hopefully portend good things for the Lion’s future. They bent but didn’t fold and credit should be ascribed to the coaching staff. Particularly, the non Lion’s ‘gutsy’ pass play on 4th and one.

What better way to walk off the field at season’s end by denying the Green Bay ‘Baba Yage’ entry into the playoffs.

Truth or consequence time!

Written By: marvinudy - Jan• 07•23

Regaling after the Bear’s game was enjoyable to say the least. Initially, that ‘ole’ pattern of Lion’s play looked to rear it’s ugly head. But then “surprise”, the ‘No Mas’ attitude rose from the graveyard of historical Lion’s ugly losing history. Once you get em down, finish the job. How satisfying.

The final game against Green Bay will be the defining definition of real progress or a repeat of past ‘faux pax’ improvement feigning. Apparently, the NFL gods have deigned to display this hopeful resurrection on a national broadcast.

Be not deceived, this game will not be a ‘lay-down’ performance by the Packers. Remember the ‘hail Mary’ pass by Aaron Rodgers to Richard Rodgers into the end zone on the last play of the game allowing our beloved Lions to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2015?

Coining the old adage by Yogi Berra, “it ant over until its over”. Will we definitely launch into our 66 yr of rebuilding or slink forward with the stink of history past?

1 week=heaven to hell

Written By: marvinudy - Dec• 29•22

If you’ve been Lion’s fan for any time in the last 50 years, this did not come as a surprise. Last week was an example of “guess who came to play today?”.

Against the Jets, rose petals and champagne were warranted. However, our local boys failed to show-up playing the Panthers. This game was ceded to the loss column at half time. Due to travel, Marvindy listened to the game narrated by a team of Panther,s announcers. By the third quarter what was derision describing Lion’s defense morphed almost into a pity party. Most notably was the 350 yards of rushing allowed by the Lions coupled with a modest Panther’s passing attack.

Stevie Wonder could chime in on recommendations for next years draft needs after this game. Let’s cheer for the Lions to express their full out frustration on Chicago and Green Bay in the last two games.

No remorse this time

Written By: marvinudy - Dec• 17•22

Did the Lions play exceptionally well or did the Vikings play poorly? For certain the Lions never let up and forced the Vikings to play ‘catch-up’ ball. Most glaring difference was rushing yardage. Passing yardage favored the Vikings. Goff continued to take what the Vikings allowed.

Initially, ‘stupid’ Detroit penalties portended an almost preordained conclusion. However, some ‘risk taking’ successfully helped maintain momentum to a positive game ending.

Do not lose sight that Vikings amassed over 400 yards of offense that hints issues still exist in the Lion’s defense. All in all this game was cathartic in some sense in that the Lions were on the winning side at games conclusion.