Marvinudy's World

My interests, likes and obsessions

Archive for October, 2024

Cowboys charge Lions with ‘assault & battery’

Professional football is between inordinately skilled, physical human specimens at the ‘edge’ of capabilities. Physical injuries will happen, even as gruesome as suffered by A. Hutchinson. We all hope for the best recovery possible in his own best interest. In summery, Dallas Cowboys got run over by Lion’s rushing game and stymied by Lion’s defense […]

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Who are these guys really?

Game stats would tell you the final score was an inversion of reality. Almost every stat favored the Seahawks., except for one. You guessed it. Stupid penalties chipped in an additional 30 yards on top of the other 516 yards by Seahawds just for the ‘hell’ of it. Deep pass defense needs remedial education on […]

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