If you’ve been Lion’s fan for any time in the last 50 years, this did not come as a surprise. Last week was an example of “guess who came to play today?”.
Against the Jets, rose petals and champagne were warranted. However, our local boys failed to show-up playing the Panthers. This game was ceded to the loss column at half time. Due to travel, Marvindy listened to the game narrated by a team of Panther,s announcers. By the third quarter what was derision describing Lion’s defense morphed almost into a pity party. Most notably was the 350 yards of rushing allowed by the Lions coupled with a modest Panther’s passing attack.
Stevie Wonder could chime in on recommendations for next years draft needs after this game. Let’s cheer for the Lions to express their full out frustration on Chicago and Green Bay in the last two games.