Marvinudy's World

My interests, likes and obsessions

Lion’s menu: Home style ‘Road Kill’

Written By: marvinudy - Dec• 05•22

Some times your the ‘bug’ and some times your the ‘windshield’. Apologies to the ‘Men in Black’ franchise. The Lions did just about everything right to achieve the desired outcome. Scoring on the opening drive conjured up visions of prior games where this was the beginning of the end. However, the momentum continued to build in methodical steam roller fashion culminating in a ‘blowout’ win.

The game stats are so lopsided you want to verify that the Lions actually played in the game. Who knew you could play an entire game and incur only a single penalty?

More performance like this could conjure up confidence going into our 66th year of rebuilding.


Written By: marvinudy - Dec• 01•22

Entertaining game with same old predictable outcome. Stats were not to far off except for the ‘biggie’. Lions allowed Bills to accumulate 400 yards of offense. Most siginificant ‘chunk’ was in the Bills last drive for the “W”. Lion’s pass defense operates on the ‘bend and crumble’ scheme.

Typical ‘turning points’ in the game included: well timed penalty, errant pass plays, red zone flame out and ‘run’ calls when only a snow blind Eskimo would not anticipate.

Best description of this game is that Buffalo played down to the Lion’s level.

Hell freezes-Lions win 3 in a row

Written By: marvinudy - Nov• 21•22

Game stats do not tell the entire ‘story’ of how the win came to be. The Giants committed three turn overs that made the Lion’s win possible. Lion’s ‘run’ game and fewer penalties negated the Giants advantage in passing yards and game total yards.

Lion’s secondary pass defense was still lacking. Scrambles by Jones were also timely. Lion’s defensive pressure on Jones was adequate and inhibited completion attempts.

This game was and ‘oddball’ in that the Lion’s gave up over 400 yards of offense but still won the game. Definitely not a winning team strategy because the ‘football gods’ can easily bestow inflection in the opposite direction.

A “joyous twofer”, Lions style

Written By: marvinudy - Nov• 14•22

As a die hard Lion’s fan, it’s easy to take comfort in a two game win streak. Let’s face it, Green Bay had a really bad day. The look on QB Roger’s face said it all. He looked like he was actually pouting which would be an appropriate reaction to losing to the lowly Detroit Lions.

Where and why did the ‘swarming defense’ finally show up and harass Rogers? Some mysteries will only be answered by historians.

Now on to the Bears game. Why did coach Campbell decide to initiate the ‘little league’ defense in the first half? Aside from the fact that a ‘running QB’ has a very short half life in the NFL, this was beyond embarrassing. The offset to Field’s 167 yards rushing was the Bears benevolent contribution of stupid penalties when they really counted, ala Lion’s style.

Yes, it is only a two game ‘win streak’, but sometimes joy comes in small packages when most needed to generate hope going into our 66th year of rebuilding.

Trick but no Treat-Lion’s style

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 31•22

By now the familiarity of the game ending score should be self evident. Great try but no ‘cigar’. Failure to finish produces the same old results.

By my observation, the meltdown started with 7 minutes to go in the third quarter. A stupid penalty negated a good play. Follow this up with a few ‘false start’ penalties and it’s game over.

Game stats provide the glaring obvious, with apologies to Stevie Wonder. Opposing receivers with over 390 yards receiving tell the tale. Coupled with a ‘low rent’ running game and you have your expected conclusion. Fundamentally, the Lion’s pass defense is the hopeless flaw to our 65th year of rebuilding. Goff is not capable of offsetting this deluge of defensive weakness.

Discounting mental illness, let’s hope corrective actions do not include trading away current talent for a few ‘end of life’ players in a simplistic show of progress.

La La land, Lion’s style

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 26•22

Well here we are on the ‘merry-go-round’ of the Lion’s version of NFL football. Memory seem to recall that the last time the Lions tried to win games based on field goals only, things did not turn out well. Touch downs may indeed be critical to winning.

Looking at the Dallas game statistics, you would think this game was played close until you get to the five turnovers. How farther down the ‘alibi’ list do we have to go? Every team encounters unforeseen circumstances but the Lions have a solid lock on futility. Visions of ending this season at 1-16 is not beyond the scope of imagination unless their version of of self flagellation is contagious and spreads throughout the league.

Yes there appeared to be improvement on defense but let’s see repetition in a few more games. Focus on a ‘running’ game is prudent if a QB maintains poise under pressure. Those of us ‘long in tooth’ remember even B. Sanders was not able to offset the remaining under performing participants.

Sadly, this is not our 66th year of rebuilding but just another version of what has become the ‘Lions way’ of doing business.

Intro to our 66yr of rebuilding

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 13•22

Somehow this outcome was almost worthy of pity. Continued flaccid defense coupled with a feeble running game and passing offence that took the day off was the order of the day. Injuries to key players were a strong contributor to the games’s outcome. In addition, the lack of talent depth was on full display. The Lion’s potent offense was outed as being paper thin. Goff regressed into his old familiar pattern of frustration when things went ‘south’. Also, do not forget some of the self inflected regressive penalties.

On a positive note, this could be the one ‘horrible’ game most teams manage to produce in any given season. Be warned though, we’ve seen this scenario before for many years. Two or three more games will determine if our Lions are pretenders or just truly inept. Coach Campbell and staff are the frog in the water and the temperature is rising.

Slip sliding away into 66th year of rebuilding

Written By: marvinudy - Oct• 03•22

Disappointment from the prior Viking’s game was humbled by our Lion’s display against Seattle. How do you score 45 points and still manage to lose? Well the Lions are adept at losing and let the Seattle score 48 points. This is not to say the Seahawks played a defensive gem by giving up 45 points.

All things considered, this game was entertaining. Over 1,000 yards of total game offence. For ‘entertainment’ value both teams sprinkled in timely penalties and a few missed extra point attempts. Kept you right on the edge of your seat waiting for the next surprise.

Now that early season optimisms has been obliterated, the search for ‘sacrificial lambs’ can commence. Picking a candidate involved with the defense tops the list. And will someone please identify the source of shifting playing modes from “playing to win” to “playing not to lose” which was evident in the first three games. Usually emerges in the third quarter of games. This includes the much vaunted ‘prevent defense’ that everyone seems to love. Let’s see, we have an inadequate defensive backfield so it is better to let good opposing QB chop off large chunks of yardage on the way to scoring vs chancing the ‘big’ pass play. See the difference in results so far?

On a positive note, Goff demonstrated he can play. Once he started throwing the ball rather than ‘passing’ the ball he was really dangerous. Would encourage him to not hesitate when he ‘checks down’ on his receivers and let it fly. It seems the hesitation gives the defense just enough time to adjust with predictable results.

As spasmodic as they seem, our Lions are going to be a troubling surprise for the rest of the season.

Do you Believe? –not yet!!

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 22•22

Welcome to a road well traveled on our 65yr of rebuilding. Sunday’s game with the Washington ‘whatevers’ was entertaining to say the least. One can ask did the defence fall asleep in the second half or did Washington’s half time adjustment make the difference. This game should have never been in doubt.

A few more games with opponents in our division will tell the tail. Goff seemed to gain confidence in his receivers during the first half. The Lion’s offensive line opened up running lanes that Swift and Williams took full advantage of. However, the defence conceded 396 yards to the opposing team. Allowing this concession to any team with championship aspirations is a death knell for our 65yr of rebuilding.

In summary, as opposed to other rebuilding seasons, we’re at ‘wait and see’ status.

Good, bad and still ugly

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 14•22

Welcome to our 65th year of rebuilding. Nothing says progress or lack thereof, like Sunday’s game against the Eagles. The ‘Good’ may be the potential for a running game which must be shown to have some durability and “legs” into the depth of a season.

The ‘Bad’ is scoring 35 points and not winning. No participation ‘win’ ribbons awarded in the NFL.

Choosing the ‘Ugly’ is not a herculean task compliments of the Detroit Lions. Giving up 450+ yards of offence to the opposing team makes an oxymoron travesty of describing the Lion’s defensive effort. Allowing a QB to be the second leading rusher with almost 100 yards is by definition a school yard defensive performance. And loss of self control after a play is over is extremely disturbing and self destructive to the entire team.

In light of the seasons’ first classical Lion’s debut, I would like to offer a supplication.

“To whom it may concern”

“We loyal and oft described as daft Lion’s fans here do ask for dispensation from past transgressions based upon our steadfast loyalty during the prior 64 years of rebuilding. We humbly apologize for the wasting of great football talents over the entire 64 years of rebuilding. We ask for relief from those ‘demons’ who have haunted and entrenched themselves within the ranks of coaches and team management.

Our sorrows are many and the elders lingering in the fan base fervently desire to see a resurrection of our beloved Lions to a status of respectability reflecting the legends of 64 years ago.”