Marvinudy's World

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Nirvana or Horror show?

Written By: marvinudy - Sep• 10•24

Let’s start with a circumstantial view. This game should take the “bloom off the rose” from all the press falderal about the Detroit Lions waltzing into the Super Bowel. Stafford may be older but as the Terminator said, “not obsolete”. Even hindered by losing two of LA’s major weapons, they still produced over 300 yards of offense.

On the Lion’s side, it was just nostalgic beauty to watch the seasoned offensive line seamless mesh with D. Montgomery for some old time N/S ‘smash mouth’ football. Gibb’s speed to the outside was a welcome asset. Goff’s performance was adequate but 18/28 will not carry the team unilaterally in every future game scenario.

Stupid penalties at critical moments seem to be a Lion’s specialty. Hutchinson gets a pass because he stumbled before hitting Stafford low. Fortunately, LA reciprocated late in the game to keep the game close.

Downfield pass defense was exposed by LA’s C. Cupp. Even acknowledging that he is a premier receiver is not an excuse to allow him to perform as he did. It’s trite to acknowledge but future opponents saw the same game we did.

Even with the seasoned OL and very good running backs, J. Goff and the offensive coaching has to successfully exploit better execution to open pass routes for good hands’ potential receivers. Limited one dimension offense will not carry the day.

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